Monday, October 4, 2010

005. Look how they shine for you.

Wow. It's been, like, a month without updates! I apologise for being a tardy little miss. I have finally managed to settle into my room and also my campus (The campus is HUGE! My navigation skills failed me on my enrolment day, in which I got lost despite the fact reaching the campus like 15 minutes earlier than the time indicated on the form). So far so good, I'm the youngest in my class and that somewhat makes me feel 'out of place'. The lecturers and tutors here are really friendly and helpful. 

It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm not entirely sure on how I should feel about this. It's my first birthday away from family and friends. 

I miss the annual birthday dinners with the family at either Cozy Corner or Victoria Station. 
I miss my mum's warm hugs on my birthdays, knowing how much she hates hugs because she gets ticklish. 
I miss my dad's birthday wishes at EXACTLY the time I was born (1:24PM - he always tells me I was born 6 minutes before the afternoon news began). 
I miss my birthday lunches with my friends. Uni mates, Internet friends, my own best friends.
I miss all the calls (I have an amazing friend who ALWAYS calls me at midnight to wish me) and texts and cards  (especially from Aimee because her Semeling owls never fail her) I get on my birthday. 
I miss all the nice sentiments on my birthdays.

Then, it hit me that I miss the familiarity of home. All this while, I knew who to go to if I needed new prescription glasses. I knew who to go to when I was sick. I knew where to shop for groceries. I knew who to call in case I needed roti canai or even naan and tandoori chicken for functions.

All along, I've stayed in that house, from the time I was born to the time I left Malaysia. And you know what's cool yet sad? My parents bought and moved into the house on the 6th of October, 1986. A year before I was born. I have ALWAYS spent my birthdays with my house. This year, I'm not able to say "Happy birthday to my house, certain furnitures at home and I!" out loud.

All this while, I've had my laundry and grocery and food done by my parents. If I had to go anywhere, I relied on my dad, brother or sometimes friends. Now? I do my own laundry, I cook my own food (check my Facebook for pictures of my culinary masterpiece) and I have to walk to get to somewhere. To date, I have not screwed up my laundry, burnt the kitchen down or gotten lost (oh wait, that did happen once).

I am also scared to spend money on things I like because I know how much my parents have put in for me to get here and pursue my Masters. I don't dare inflict financial damage on them, which is why I need to do my best and not splurge unnecessarily. 

Some of you can go home almost every weekend to see your family, even if it takes you 5 hours to get back home. What option do I have? Take a 14-hour flight back to KL? All I have is Skype, which is not bad, don't get me wrong. I just miss the physical closeness and familiar sights of home.

It's all a sudden change. I know change can be for the better, but you know? Sometimes, missing home just hurts.

I know I will be okay. I just need to take some time to get used to this change. I know my birthday isn't going to suck because my friend promised me she'll take me out for sushi.

If I have to make do with that, I guess I just will.