Dear 2015,
I believe that you were a great teacher to me. I received many lessons and blessings in disguise.
Allow me to share the lessons you imparted which I didn't know I needed the most:
- Never say 'no, thank you' when someone graciously offers you help. You can't always do it alone. It may hurt the "I'm a strong, independent woman and I don't need your help!!!" persona you project, but it's always better to ask for help than burning out and being overwhelmed by everything at the end of it all.
- Please hold your tongue when arguing with someone who is close to you. You have a tendency of saying things out of spite and it always hurts the other person. You come out of the battle both a winner and a loser. Think for a minute, is it worth losing a friendship over a petty argument? If your answer is 'no', take a deep breath and be the bigger person. Apologise. Hug. Kiss. I don't know, just do something that lets the other person know that they're important to you and not worth losing.
- Take care of your health. Sure, you never intended it, but you lost weight in 2015. Always nourish your body with good food (cheat days are okay once in a while). Know what ails your body and treat it right. Your rheumatoid arthritis flares up once in a while, but you're managing the stress well that even the doctor said you're getting better. Take it one day at a time.
- Learn to get out of your comfort zone. I know you are painfully shy (this hasn't changed much, I'm afraid), but with new challenges coming your way, you will learn to work around your shy, awkward self and deal with people and situations better. Give your opinions, no matter how silly they sound at times. You will learn and grow from this.
- Change is scary, but exciting. Take as much as you can absorb, and be better. That way, you will grow into your new role and be less hesitant to make decisions on certain things.
- Your blood type is B+, which essentially means you should 'be positive'. Of course, life isn't always rosy, but you should always keep your head up and put a smile on your face as you face the day. Be positive about anything new that happens in life: new friends, new roles, new challenges.
- Your football team will disappoint you at times, but that's okay. You will get used to it and realise that winning/drawing/losing (and changing of managers too) is just a part of life.
- Spend more time renewing friendship and family ties. Learn who will be there for you when you are troubled. Cut the ties with toxic people; never forget what they've done for you, thank them and move on. You will be much happier because you don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
- Learn some important life skills - like cooking or killing a cockroach. You never when you might just need it.
- Sometimes, all you need is a new haircut.
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Your future's so bright, you have to wear shades. |
Hello, 2016, I'm ready for you. I am good, but I will be better this year.