Sunday, July 13, 2014

013. Things I learnt from the World Cup 2014.

With the World Cup 2014 coming to an end, here are some of the things I learnt during this wonderful month.

01. People still use the term 'rape' when the scoreline looks like '1-5', '4-0', or '1-7' as if it were a joke. 
In every football match, the teams go in knowing their opponents and the outcomes could be either a win, draw, or loss.
In rape, there are no such outcomes besides shame, grief, pain, and in some occasions, death. 

The part that sickens me most is that women are also using the word 'rape' to signify a humiliating loss. We cry about how it's always the victim's fault for rape, the way we dress and behave are the 'reasons' for rape. Yet, people use the term so lightly when it comes to sports.

To equate a loss to a rape only does disservice to rape victims and shows how lightly people consider rape to be.

It's 2014, rape should NOT be treated as joke. 

02. Supporting the England NT will only leave you disappointed.
I always tell people that I root for England at every single tournament, and people laugh at me and say "Why do you always do this to yourself?". I know, I am a masochist. After all, suffering is part and parcel of football.

In 2002, I spent 30 minutes crying to my best friend (a Brazil fan) when Brazil beat England at the World Cup quarterfinal. I didn't even want to go to school the day after the match because I was devastated. We still talk about that moment every single time we meet (I cringe every single time).
In 2004 and 2006, I spent the entire week moping about England unfairly losing to Portugal on penalties. Losing on penalties is the worst way to exit a tournament.
In 2008, they didn't even qualify for the EURO Championships. Of course, I cried.
In 2010, I was really upset when they were not given a goal against Germany (poor Lamps will never have his World Cup goal). I am still angry with Neuer because of that.
In 2012, I sat and sighed as I watched England lose to Italy. On penalties. Sigh.

This year, I sat and laughed as England exited the tournament at the group stage. I didn't like the team that was selected (excluding Ashley Cole in favour of the 'youth'), so maybe that's why it was a lot easier to watch England flop play this year. Yes, I do understand the idea of 'mixing it up' but it was done horribly wrong (you should seek advice from Jürgen, Roy).

It's okay, England. You can try again in 2016. Or, you know, whenever.

03. Never underestimate the underdogs.
When the groups were announced, I made predictions of the top two teams from each group. It did not include the likes of Costa Rica, Colombia, Algeria, and Chile.

Oh, how wrong I was. I made the terrible mistake of counting them out. I won't do it again.

They played amazing, beating the top teams (whom you would've expected to actually advance to the second round)!

Chile, perhaps inspired by this video of the Chilean miners, amazingly beat Spain, the current World Cup holders. They also nearly beat Brazil. *coughs*robbed*coughs*

Algeria did well to hold off Germany despite the fact some of the players were fasting on the day of the match. I know I wouldn't have been able to do such a thing, I fainted in the bathroom once due to dehydration while fasting for 19 hours.

I was gutted that they didn't make it far. (*coughs* COLOMBIA AND CHILE WERE ROBBED! *coughs*)

These teams have so much to be proud of, and I hope they will come back for the next World Cup stronger than before.

04. My niece is beginning to show signs of being a football fan.
According to my mum, when Portugal scored the equaliser against the USA, my niece started crying loudly. I still laugh about it because she's only 5 months old, what does she know about football?

No, darling little snowflake, please don't be a mini-me. Watching/supporting a football team gives you enough pain and misery, you don't need that. I mean, look at me and England. Or the Czech Republic


05. Sportsmanship is a beautiful thing.
What this old man did, I sincerely hope other football fans will follow suit. Football rivalries exist, but at times you have to look past all that and for once, just be a decent human being. I know I have been a terrible person at times, but I'm trying my best to be better. So should the rest of us.

06. You realise how old you really are.
Miroslav Klose broke the record of the top scorer, surpassing the Brazilian legend Ronaldo. I cried so hard because I've watched him score all 16 goals from 12 years. In the span of those 12 years, I graduated from high school, got a Bachelors degree, got a Masters degree, and found a job.

I've seen all the goals and all the backflips. My inner 15-year-old has been crying non-stop over this.

It's also been 12 years since Germany last featured in a World Cup final. This has been my battle cry the last few days.

*wipes single lone tear streaming down my face*

Yes, I'm ancient. Don't make fun of me.

07. Your best memories of the World Cup always involved the people you loved.
I was always surrounded by friends at every World Cup. We would discuss the matches, cute players (it is an added bonus), and predictions. You could cry at a loss and no one would judge you (okay, not entirely true - refer to point number 2, but it does make good conversation!).

I would watch the matches with my family and I'd always be entertained by their commentaries. In 2010, my dad stayed up with me and we played Blackjack (he cheated) while watching the match and discussing about being away from home for a year. He was also very excited that two of his favourite players from his favourite football team featured in the World Cup final.
(who knew he'd end up hating them a few years after that final?)

This year, I have been fortunate enough to have wonderful friends who would keep me awake with texts and random funny things. It's nice knowing that there are people who are willing to put up with your nonsense at a horrible hour of the day. (#olifortopscorer, eh?)

08. Every other song sounds better than the actual official World Cup 2014 song.
We had quality World Cup songs, and this year, we get THIS.

I would've preferred THIS or THIS to be the official World Cup 2014. (preferably the former, but my niece loves the latter. Who can deny my Colombian queen?)

09. Same, old boring tactics can only get you so far before someone calls you out on it.

I'm looking at you, Spain.

10. The internet is a wonderful place.

One funny moment, and you become an internet sensation. God bless you, you creative little buggers.

Some of my favourites:
Jasper Cillessen being the voice of conscience for James Rodriguez.

Alejandro Sabella channelling his inner Michael Jackson.

Robin van Persie can fly!

That is all for this crazy one month of football. I've enjoyed myself immensely and I hope you had a great time too. See you in the another four years!
(or two years if you're going to watch the UEFA EURO 2016 tournament. I know I will!)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

012. Take the night and tear it down.

I suppose I should apologise for the serious lack of updates. I seem to only pop in to write an obligatory post that marks how old I am.

I actually have a post lying in my draft, but I just gave up on it because I really didn't feel like posting it. I might post it when I'm actually ready. We'll just have to wait and see on that one.

I did say to a few people at the beginning of the year that I would start blogging again. Unfortunately, I haven't written anything (except for that draft). Sigh, procrastination is such a terrible thing.

It's the second half of the year, and what a better time to pick to keep to my promise. I will attempt to blog like I used to, not just for the usual "oh boo, I am a year older but hey like wine, I get better with age" nonsense.

Yeah, so here we go again. Let's hope I stick to my promise.