Sunday, August 29, 2010

003. London Calling.

Hey guys, just a short note to say that I've already arrived in London safely. Immigration checks went on without a hitch (thank God for that).

No delayed flights, no missing or damaged luggage (in 2003, my dad's luggage ended up in Texas while we were in Wisconsin), no important documents went missing. So far, so good.

I caught a glimpse of Wembley stadium while getting to our accommodation.

The family and my cousins and my niece came to send me off on Saturday. Sue came at about 7pm and gave me 'duit raya' (seriously, thank you!). Kavi made it in time to send me off. She gave me a bag of kuaci (my mum and I are still not done laughing over this) and brought out this banner (which is now in my backpack). Wei Yng called and I think the phone cut us off.

Flight from KLIA to Changi took about 35 minutes. The Singapore Airlines staff are so friendly! We had to wait for an hour before we boarded the plane to Heathrow. The flight took about 13 hours.

They had music from Jason Castro, Carly's band We Are The Fallen (I actually squealed when I saw this album listed in the rock music selection), and Glee. I watched Iron Man 2, The Simpsons and The Big Bang Theory as well. I truly kept myself entertained.

I actually cried on the plane from Singapore to Heathrow. For one, I couldn't swallow my food down (Roasted beef and mashed potatoes...I couldn't even shove the mashed potatoes down my throat. It just hurt); and I got homesick while listening to Jason's You Can Always Come Home. That was epically embarrassing. I almost cried at the airport when I saw my brother crying. Now I know how he felt when he left home 10 years ago.

It rained at about 2PM here, then it was sunny. It's windy here, but it's a bit nicer than the heat in KL.

Anyway, it's 10:17PM here. I should be going to bed, jet lag got the best of me. We'll probably tour London town tomorrow. Not sure where we're going yet, though.

Take care, you lot. I already miss home.

Friday, August 27, 2010

002. Hey Janice.

You're leaving tonight. I really thought we were leaving on the same day (okay, yes, we are, but you know what I mean) because hey, that would be really cool! Both of us benches are leaving on the same day within a few hours from each other. Alas, it was not meant to be. I do want to call you up, but I'm afraid that I might start crying and that might make you even more freaked out than you already are. We share a lot of hopes and fears and homesickness and freaking outs, what with us leaving the nest for the very first time.

I 'met' you when you left a comment on my LJ re:KrisKL. Being helpful, I tried explaining ways you could win the tickets (which eventually, you did). We met at MidValley and we had so much fun. From the epic sign, to meeting the band, and screaming like a bunch of lunatics. Fun times. That night, I realised how much you benches mean to me and I don't care what people say/judge us for, but you lot helped me during a lot of hard times (the first time being when I composed a speech for my dad so that he'd let me go to the KrisKL show *facepalms*).

I just want to tell you that no matter what happens, you are an amazing and awesome person, and you're going to go do great things in life. It's okay to be scared about leaving the nest, I am too. You can always talk to me (MSN, Skype, FB, Twitter), we can always talk each other through our fears, however insignificant it may seem. I love you so much, you've been a great friend to me (even if it's only been what? 6 months and a half?).

You're going somewhere where you can probably see 145625377288 Kris Allen/Adam Lambert shows compared to the rest of us. I am incredibly jealous.

Always remember that we will always have our "KEEP CALM AND EAT CALE" joke. Cale is delicious, by the way, so always remain calm.

Okay, that was terrible.

I wish you all the best in everything you do. Have a safe flight and I love you. REMEMBER: I ALREADY HAVE SKYPE SO THERE IS NO EXCUSE OF YOU NOT TALKING TO ME.

Love, hugs, kisses, and Cale cakes,

Thursday, August 26, 2010

001. Fresh.

Hey, everyone.

Since I'm leaving to a country (with a different timezone, on a different continent), I decided to create a new blog, sort of as to start on a clean, blank slate.

I don't want to carry any excess baggage with me when I'm going through one of the most exciting, if not frightening, experiences of my life.

Take this as my way of sharing of my new journey, the fresh and new me.